So what's up with me, you may be wondering. Well, I've pretty much been doing artwork for a couple projects, Red Ice and "Death Pants"(name WILL change).
Red Ice is an action/arcade style hockey game that the gentile fellas at STRd6 are cooking up. They've got me arting it up all over the place! I'm putting up most of the work on my Imgur account, take a look see if you like. Also, you can play the prototype of Red Ice with an HTML5 compatible browser here. You'll need a gamepad btw.
"Death Pants" is a running game that me and several other fellows are putting together, I'm on art duty here as well. Nothing to show officially yet, but expect much more info in the future.
Working on my own projects has pretty much slowed to a crawl at the moment, the plate is full. Apologies to those who look forward to them being updated regularly.
If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask. Thanks for stopping by.